Eye Contour Reversal Serum

Microneedling serum

Effective microneedling serum against dark circles, periorbital wrinkles and bags under the eyes

DERMIDA® Eye Contour Reversal Serum is a pharmaceutically pure microneedle serum for the treatment of the eye area. It effectively reduces periorbital wrinkles, bags under the eyes, crow's feet, cool skin and sagging skin. Skin and eyelid density, as well as lower eyelid edema, can also be treated effectively. It tightens the delicate skin around the eyes and fills up wrinkle channels. It improves microcirculation, trophics and blood circulation.

The sterile and pharmaceutically pure eye contour turning serum is applied before treatment and then processed directly into the skin with Dermapen transdermal (maximum 0.5 mm). Microperforation maximizes efficiency exponentially.

Innovative active ingredient complex with sustainable results

The extremely thin skin around the eyes is not only one of the most sensitive parts of the body, it also becomes a personal calling card through direct eye contact. Wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes are usually perceived as irritating to sufferers.

Eye Contour Reversal Serum is based on a new active ingredient complex based on hyaluronic acid, coumarin, troxerutin and herbal extracts. The interaction between the active ingredients allows for an immediate tightening and revitalization of the skin around the eyes.

Applications and problem areas

Eye Contour Reversal Serum has been developed for effective use with Dermaroller and DermaPen. The serum is used only to treat the eye and flap area.

Body areas:
> Around the Eye

Problem areas:
→ Periorbital wrinkles
→ Crow's Feet
→ Tränsensäcke
→ Dark Circles
→ Pale Skin
→ Unterlidödeme
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